Well, from the above lines, one would think that I am so swamped with work. People, that is not the case. I am sharing a same job scope with one girl from NYP. She is in her 3rd year. Ok, there are 4 girls attached in the Circulations - Marketing department. 2 NP, 2 NYP.
PeiRu, the other NP girl, was doing very dead stuff all week. Calling up those that have logged complaints, and accepting calls of complaints. The other Indian girl, NYP - can't spell her name, was doing all sorts of stuff. One thing that came to mind was that she wrote minutes for a meeting, she was in charges of taking care of one client's problem and queries. CONTENT!
JingShi, the one with me, and me? I think the only important stuff we did all week was making phone calls for 3 different days to hotels.
First, to enquire about their Front Office Manger's and Maccom's Manger's names. Second, to check what dates their contacts with SPH ends, and if they carry foreign publications. Third, to help our superior get an appointment fixed with related people.
The rest of the time? We were faxing, writing names on envelopes and STICKING SCOTCH TAPES ONTO THE SIDES OF DIVIDERS PAPERS.
That is like so damn shitty. And all these, we need to do it in a corner of the office, sectioned off from clear view. Why? Because the boss can't see what we are doing. We got a very sucky officer-in-charge. Like seriously, words can't express my feelings.
I mean, people have complained. Then, she came over and said. "Don't keep doing all these, people have complained. Come to me for work, if you are free. Only do these when you are really really free. People have complained."
??!! She is so saving her ass. I mean, we report to you for work, of course you would know when we are free. And I asked everytime I finished something for you, what I should do after. And you asked me to return to doing that first. When you call me next, it's still for helping to photocopy one set of documents. Like what the hell?!
And this woman, just plan hates attachments people. I mean, I photocopied 5 sets of notes for her. Stapled one set in the wrong order, she returned all five to me and asked me to fixed it. ?! Like seriously yo, you have a staple on your desk, fix it yourself, less trouble you know?
Asking me to fix it, you need to walk a distance to me, throw the stuff to me, I need to search for staple, which I DO NOT have on my desk, need to borrow it, fix the damn thing then return it to you.
Fixing it yourself, take the staple from your desk, remove the staple, place the front sheet back to the front instead of the bottom, and staple it again. All the time, while on your butt in your seat. And I though we are supposed to be efficient?
I think my attachment is a bloddy waste. I have learned more from other admin work I have done in previous holidays....Too bloody long a post to spellcheck, deal. I am too xian right now.