Tuesday, October 12

Am damn bored right now, yet to begin studying. Well, when do I ever have the mood to study.

Told a number of people I will start flipping the pages on Sunday. Seeing that my first Marketing paper is on Friday. I really should start soon.

Did rather badly for my mid-terms. So, it's do or die situation.

Still having my headache, been what? 3 weeks? Accounts for my very random posts, I guess. Keep saying I should see a doctor/want to see a doctor for it, but just couldn't get my ass out of the house to do it. Keep hoping it would go away by itself. No idea what is causing it, could be lack of sleep.

However, it hurts ever when I slept a full day away. So now, I keep thinking there's ants in there, eating away at what little amount of cells and keeping the rests for a nest. My house is full of ants. Eww...

That's unlikely, but after being forwarded all those weird pictures, I would of course think this way. Bugs in a girl's nipples, causing it to look like a budding lotus flower. Maggots in a guy's brain. I would be the third. Ants in brain.


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