the post badly disguised as a re-cap of 2007
Put my laptop to sleep, got a desktop. New phone too. Celebrated many coming-of-age, including my own. Trip to Phuket with trio. Found a job, meet with many new people. Just kind of ironic I am doing what I am doing now seeing I vehemently try not to talk on the phone before. Well, not like I will be continuing with it much longer with how things are going now. Barring all irritating issues/people side, found many new crappy people to talk to. The one highlight of the job i guess.
Besides coming-of-age celebrations, attended two wedding, one of my officer at work and another of my friend.
Us in 2007.

Us in 2004.

Ignoring Ronald at the back, we did most of our project work together, having a good pace together. Kind of jarring that Jasmine got married. Knew that they have been planning it for quite while. However, to attend a wedding of my peer...hai, what am I doing?
LOL, that reminds me of the question Michelle put to me when we had dinner together yesterday. Are you actually not dating anyone because you are insecure about your flaws? LOL. We were talking about unsightly thighs before.
Hai. What can I say? That was more than a bit OT.
Anyway, hopes for the new year?
1) Lost weight, an never ending battle.
2) Overseas trip anywhere. Preferably Japan / Korea.
3) Have money dropped onto me out of the blue
4) Failing the above, earn more money the hard way.
5) Have money thrown at me out of the blue.
6) More money. Money makes the world go round.
Good luck to me then.