Saturday, May 29

We had our steamboat dinner today. It was fun. Kept telling lame jokes. When Johanna asked why is one of the crab a certain color, we made her regretted asking. "Because it is not purple." "Because it is a mutant." "Because it like that color, so it dyed itself that color."

The lame prize today has to go to YiXian. Who took Angela's backpack and pretended she was going parachuting. She persisted even when none of us found it funny and went about eating our own food.

Was peeling prawns throughout. Taunted YiXian a few times. Haha. The conversation went on about sex. Hahaha, was damn hilarious. The meal itself was pretty good. We wasted plenty of food just to make the soup sweet. Corns, vegetables, there was one plate full of food that we threw into the soup and scooped out to leave at the side. The fishballs do not taste nice at all, and I told YiXian to take a lot. In the end, I only ate less than five.

In the middle, PeiTing threw these small red lobsters into the soup. They look really cute. However, according to her, it did not taste nice. And those lobsters turned our soup weird. Bitter. We emptied the pot and asked for a refill. Which took damn long. We called on them at least 3 times before they came with the kettle.

When things are winding down, and we were considering where to go and just chatting, a large insect landed on PeiTing's plate. Haha, so we left the table to that insect. All in all, it was fun. I think we should do that again. Now, we have one more activity to add to the things we can do. KTV, Movies, Bowling, Steamboat!


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