Thursday, May 27

I got my results. Was presentable, my Dad was surprised. He said, and I quote. "Hey, your results now are quite good." Haha, see if he can nag me now to go study! HAhaha.

Taking my cap off to Alina, who got 5 ADs. And most of them, if not all, are for her core modules. Was chatting with her and SeeYan, wondering if I would ever see even 2 ADs in my result slip.

The conclusion = People, even myself, would die of shock. And their last words would go something like "OMG! Sandy is awake and studying!" I should not be so cheerful about this fact but hey, at least I know my limits.

Ok, my results.
Was pretty disappointed for this one. I was hoping to get an AD for this. As we, my group, worked like shit for this. Guessed that final test did pulled my grades down, was hoping that it would not affect it that much. Oh well.

Haha, was hoping that I would get above C for all my modules actually. However, seeing that I did no studying except for the minimum for final examinations. I supposed it would turn out like this. Hey, trend! My worst results are always my economics! When I actually understand what the tutors were taking about. Last semester was because I answered out of point, and this semester was because I had no content at all. Hahaha. Again, I am too bloody cheerful about this.

I supposed this is good. I don't quite remember but I think some of my formats in the final paper were wrong. Didn't not bother to go check my suspicions out then so...Hey! Satisfied with it.

Okay for this. My group got the feeling that the tutor was not that impressed with us throughout the semester. He favored the more outgoing in the class as they were more supporting of his antics. Whatever. And I emailed him a while back asking for those pictures he took of our skits. Replied that he would get to it when he was not as busy.

Was kind of disappointed that my only AD for an IS class as I thought of them as pretty useless. Did not want it to be too bad but I would accept B or C. Oh well, at least I have an AD for this semester. To think I got something for braving an children home when I'm scared of kids. Heh.

Heh. Satisfied with this, as I wrote bullshit for my paper. I remember my fingers were getting numb and painful in the last hour of the paper. Just wrote whatever length I thought as appropriate and was done with. So, BULLSHITTING pays after all!

POA - B+
Glad that I got this but was actually scowling at this. Was hoping before the paper itself that I would at least get an A for this. Because this paper was the one I walked in confident. Yet all because I did the last question incorrectly and had to redo it without finishing. It cost me. That question was worth 25 marks. *Scrowl*


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