Saturday, March 1

I’m wearing beige-colored panties…

…have hair down to my butt and am eighty-eight years old.

Yes, sir?
Can you speak Chinese?
Yes, I can speak Chinese?
Do you have hair?
Yes, I have hair.
Long hair or short hair?
Long hair, down to my butt, sir.
Do you know how to swim?
Yes, I know how to swim. Dry-swimming. Do you play mahjong, sir?
How old are you?
I am eighty-eight.
What is the color of your panties?
It’s beige.
You are so sexy.
Thank you.
I love you.
Thank you.
Are you wearing clothes?
No, I am not wearing any.
Are you naked?
Yes sir.
Nope, you said you are wearing beige panties.
Oh yes, it’s beige.
You are so sexy.
Thank you.
How do you feel when I kiss you?
I don’t know, I have never gotten kissed by you before.

That’s the gist of it. We were entertaining Brian this morning, as he called damn early this morning at around 6.45AM. I got his first call, which was his usual “fuck you” call.

I promptly informed Eve who was kind of surprised at the timing because Brian normally only calls around 8 to 9 plus. Eve entertained him too for a while, till she got bored and pretended to not be able to hear him. LOL

Then after, I entertained him. Twice, once in Chinese, the other time in English. I think it has been quite a while since someone spoke longer than 30 seconds to him, that in my last few calls with him, he was like “Can you don’t hang up my call?” Despo. Hahaha

LOL. Eve got thirteen of his calls, and me seven. Because I got a normal, quality-content call to attend to in the midst of it. Guess he has call targets to meet as well, after his targeted numbers, he would stop calling. He should always call this early, we will chat with him, no problem. He was even catching me when I said the wrong things. As he repeats his questions, I would give him different answers. Opps, we are not really supposed to entertain him. Well, if he called during the busy times when there are calls in queue, see if anyone speaks more than a word to him beyond “How may I address you.”

Wish that someone would do what male seniors has been said to do. Speaking to him in a high-pitch voice then switching to their normal male voice. LOL I think I would really laugh my head off. LOL
