Sunday, August 7

god spare me...

Was dispatched to Guthrie House to work today. It was quite ok, except for the two persons that ruined my entire day there. First, there was this co-worker. She has been working there for quite a while. The hell, I so wanted to give her a kick to the butt by the end of the day. She kept sighing every single time I asked her anything. Even when she's totally free. I cannot imagine the face she will have if I don't ask her and do anything the wrong way.

For God's sakes! This is first time I am working there. And previously, I only sell ice-cream. There's no need for me to help take orders for drinks and additional stuff like food and such.

And there's pair of mother-daughter who came in at 11pm. We are considered closed at this time, and was not obliged to serve her. However, seeing that there are still people sitting around, I served her. She wanted a double cup of ice-cream. So, I started scooping the first flavor for her.
And the thing goes like:

"Did you take the wrong cup? I wanted a double."
"No, ma'am. This is the double cup, we ran out of the old cup. Don't worry, I will top it up over the top for you."
*Rolled her eyes* "Fine, then I just want this cup only of yoggi"
"Oh, but it's the same in the end, I will top it up for you!"
"Never mind, just put it full of yoggi"
*Finished scooping and got it over to her, her daughter piped up, she wanted a single of whatever. So, I showed her the SINGLE cup and checked if this is the one she wanted.*

Fuck, the mother then went "Oh, you should have told me. I am so disgusted by the way you guys sell your ice-cream. You should have told me. I am a regular here, I came here many times, and I have never met such a incident as different cup."

And she just kept repeating that throughout the entire time I accepted her money for the ice-cream. Tried telling her that I did explained to her about it. But she just speak louder and OVER me. Well, lady, if you are just a regular, and came THAT many times, you will know about the cup change. I've been working for two months now, and I am using these cup since I started! And next time, please wear a sign "I am an anal-retentive ass." THEN, people would know to explain very single thing to you.

The hell, whenever I think back and remember that face she made. I should have taken the nearest thing and smack her with it. And the co-worker was just doing her own bloody business all this time...

Argh...Forget, just hope they don't need to ask me to help out there anymore...