Wednesday, March 24

Today, I was feeling rather sick. I have flu, my nose was dripping. Every few seconds, I sneezed. I was told my nose was red, and I looked pale. At one point in the printing room, I even packed away my laptop and slept there under the table. I was that sleepy. Come on, since when I would willingly give up surfing-time?

Yea, I hate having flu. I would be feeling faint and all that. I was advised to go home a few times. However, it was only 2 hours, I want my attention taken. So can you imagine my face when I realize the tutor was not going to take attention! But hey, we completed our database, despite me spacing out every 10 minutes. And we did it during the workshop, so another plus point, we do not need to stay back.

Ya, so I returned home and slept. 3 hours to 7. Now, I'm better expect for this headache settling in. Oh well, at least I do not need to go to school tomorrow. Yea. Sleeping soon.

Note to self: Study for POA and MAEC. Tests on next Monday and Tuesday.