Friday, May 22

my holiday coming to an end soon....


and I lament for the thousandth time, boys why are you all so gorgeous... *sighs*

I really need to post something up for this period of break.

1) Bangkok post, maybe I should be lazy and just link to Angela's post. LOL I love Angela's camera. I managed to look like I have good complexion! Rosy pink when my complexion has been sucky since ...last year? LOL Or I should just post all pictures of my face itself. LOL

2) Hotmail Inbox. 3 days 4 nights. Angela made used of the free internet at the hotel lobby while we were waiting to checkout on the last. I remember she said she has like...17 new messages in her inbox. Me....47 new messages. LOL All my notifications. Listing, LJ, Facebox, Yahoo Group...etc

3) Star Trek. Watched movie by myself ...have not done that in a long while. Forgotten how much I used to enjoy watching movies by myself. OKOK, maybe I should go catch something else during these last 3 days of my break.

4) Burning out all my Korean variety shows now. X-Man done. In the midst for Love Letter. The noise coming from my CPU is getting more and more dubious-sounding. And I keep having problem starting it up. LOL, that's partially why my desktop is almost never off. It will take a miracle to start it up again.

5) Driving. First lesson on 30th Saturday. LOL Scary~~

LOL....well, a short update. Lazy lazy, maybe I will just post pictures up of my conquests and my complexion. Hehehehe... It's of no effort to upload pictures of drool-worthy boys, but for all others? ....LOL

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