you may be special. but i am more special than you (naruto joke)
A blog entry that leads to the capture of the murder. What bothers people most about it is that the entry screams of normalcy. The poster spoke about his japanese class - he's just a student worrying about his academics. Same as many of us.
Reading about death always make me to think how I want to die, morbid topic that I like to talk about. Many don't take me seriously. When I go, I want to go with a bang. The bang could just be a same unknown-to-the-world kind of bang. As in only known to those who know of me, it may be sad for me, it may be selfish of me, but I wishes to be remembered.
So, not freak accidents where people would remember how things happened but not who died. not acts that would put IMPACT! on politics. or mass accidents, though that should fall under freak accidents as well.
I also want no pain, being a coward. so I'm yet to think up of my perfect way to go.
That aside, I'm returning to school tomorrow. Exchanged back my textbooks with JingYun. Talked to her for a good hour. She had a great time at her attachment (insurance agency) and learned ACTUAL stuff. I'm so envious. I learnt NOTHING at mine. NOTHING.
semi-angsty: we thought then that we would be together forever, close. that forever closeness is no longer now. while the shared thought of forever-ness is will be held in fond memory, it also lead me to question. question all the forever-ness of the rest. does forever really exist?
That was only half-serious. I seems to be living a boring life, isn't it? Lacking the turmoils of the ususal teenager. /sarcasm