Monday, July 19

Because I am bored, and waiting for my download of FMA 39 to finish. 12 minutes to go. I'm posting extracts of what I just wrote for my PMKT tutorial. Hey, at least I did my tutorial.
Question 1:
"Marketing Intelligence: Find out what competitors offers, then either offer something better or an alternative. Blah Blah, actually I don't really care about gyms. Why am I even trying to answer seriously on a FREAKING question about the bloody GYM?!"
Question 3:
It's about collecting research using contact methods. "Individual - most (example: me) would give more serious answers when cornered alone."
Question 4:
1 month, $$ (sorry. too lazy to think right now, and I have no concept of money -.-) 100 females, 100 males?? Random idea how to do this question"
I think my group mates would be shocked to see this piece of work. Normally, I only wrote one lined answers. Then, they would be resigned should they attempt to read my answers. Vomit blood too. All extracts are exactly from my answers. Even that stupid -.- face. I'm only writing like this because the tutor does not check our work.  Can you say cowardly?


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