Wednesday, November 26

Yea! My first vacation job of this holiday have ended. I was so bloody sick of their filing system. Lucky me have to deal with it for the last couple of days there for the better part of my day. It's an credit firm...dealing with accounts of other companies. So therefore, most would think that they treat the financial statements that they got with the utter most care. Like hell they do. blah blah... would have continue to rant about it except I would rather not think about it.

Another thing is, last day of work in a total of seven day, I experience the most problems today. First, they made me sit there for 20 minutes before having something for me to do. Then, the printer the PC I'm using jammed. Ok, I can deal with that, I came across jammed printers before. 10 minutes later, it cannot connect to the server. Bloody piece of shit. Sat there stoning for 5 minutes before a guy came from the IT department came to deal with it and rescue this damsel in distress. Who, by the way, was swearing all the way to herself. Ok, that was dealt with.

Ten minutes later, I was asked to tackle the stupid filing system again. Fine, did it, how else can I get my salary otherwise? Sat down then the supervisor asked me to retrieve financial from the same shitty files again!! Argh!! Okay, did that. Went back to work with the PC... The server is down this time. I was really thinking of strangling to death with my hair then. That is one good thing to do with it.

Would seems like that was the only thing my hair would be good for. My idiotic sister (the elder one who is 19! by the way) came in and disturb me with it. I had it in a ponytail. She came in, started swinging and tugging it from left to right while singing some kind of thing she made up. Why is it that the only time when she seems to have any musical talent is when she is disturbing me? How... ...pleasant. I might really cut my hair short again. Back to the length during my secondary 1 year. Boyish, ugly too or so people tell me but heck, no one will be using my hair as a pendulum.