Monday, September 22

You are the mystery woman

Which Ultimate Beautiful Woman are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

This is such a hellish weekend. Spent my entire day worrying over CIP presentation...Essential materials is with one of my group mates, and she happens to choose this time to disappear off the face of this planet. Slept at 4.30 last night. What for? The same bloody irritant named CIP.

I don't think I have been this hardworking since the night I mugged for my Geography 'O' paper II. Even then, I was asleep by 1am. Ya, I'm insomniac, so you would think it doesn't matters one way or another? Wrong, precious. It makes me value my sleep even more. Oh well, hopes she got my sms and send me those materials by tomorrow morning. If not, i will need to drag my laptop all the way to school and up and down the hills and valleys of bA. Blk 72 then BLK 50.

Oh what brillant ray of sunlight I am. The sky are so...... nicely darkended. Just a nice cool chill. Hey, did I mention I'm having my NAFA test next friday? Ya, one week to get in shape for the run...-_-''' I haven't been running since sec3, i don't run well then I don't run well now, didn't even run the required rounds then. Oh well, life is a piece of shit. Or is it bucket-full of shit??