Saturday, March 10

This cannot be more difficult for me...

My laptop really has gone over to the other side now...The screen went blank on me, or should I say the lights has gone out of it. Quite literally too.

It's like I can still sense it, but it is in the deep dark blackness. Tried reaching out to it, but I guess it would be in vain. Would send out a flare to seek magical assistance to revive it, but it would be a hard and long struggle on both of us. I really should not prolong its pain. I really hate to let go, but I have to. Nothing can replace my love for it...

R.I.P, s10005098.
You will be sorely missed.
April 2002 - March 2007

Okay, translation. My laptop screen really went blank on it, or maybe the bulbs lighting up the screen has blown. I really have no idea, IT mechanics deludes me. Really, I can see it, behind the darkness. However, nothing is readable. I cannot even trace the mouse arrow accurately. So, ya. Attempting to repair it would not be wise, both in sense and cents. Oh, the wonderful years. However, I really need to seek a replacement soon. Or I might have withdrawal symptoms.

In fact, I'm using my sister's laptop now...A minute away from the wonders of the world wide web would really kill me...