Saturday, December 13

Today, I went to my dad's Family Day. Meaning the me, my 2 sisters and my 2 cousins. He promised them goats and all. However it turned out that we were not able to see all the goats as it was raining. So the people there gave us a tour through the farm. We looked at bees, plants and all those sorts of boring stuff. Stuff that do not move and do not interest my cousins at all.

My two cousins ran amok. They like to shift to the front to look at whatever the guides were showing us. Could be they thought that they might be showing the goats. Anyway, my sister just calmly stood there while I went to the front to keep an eye on them. My sister later told me that I do not actually need to worry, for they would always turn back to look for them. If she had told me that earlier. Perhaps I wouldn't worry as hell, they did all sorts of things before that. Touching the specimen, stepping onto things.

Then, at lunch, I need to serve one of the two cousins. For she seemed unable to properly eat her food. Table too tall, didn't know how to use her utensils properly. I am just damn glad that I was looking after the elder one. She is nicer, actually ate what I told her. The younger one, whom my elder sister was serving, seemed to be damn picky about her food.

Hell, I don't think I have ever been that "motherly" before. Hopefully, I wouldn't need to have a similar experience again.