Thursday, October 5

How's your luck?

My parents went to a fortune-teller today. The fortune-teller said some rather interesting stuff. Some things that was said about me...

Apparently, me and my younger sister are jinxed against each other. 相衝 LOL When we wed, we cannot be bride-maids for each other. LOL There's something else too, but I have forgotten about it.

And at tea ceremony, we also cannot serve tea to our parents directly, facing them. We have to serve it turned slightly away. There's a bit of jinx there too. Not sure if it's because it's not good for my parents or us, just that it's not be done. It's fine for my elder sister though.

Also, the fortune-teller said I'm having good luck these two years, my parents were told to buy 4-Ds in my name...LOL

There were more said, just that it's about my parents...Quite interesting too....