Saturday, August 14

I'm in the internet cafe right now. First time being in one, waiting for the CP manager to come back. Because we, my sister and I, don't know the other two keepers. Felt uncomfortable staying in there.

Their screen is like damn big. I feel so uncomfortable staring at this hu~uge screen. I have to lean way back before I look at the words. Even then, "it's liks damn big" kind of thoughts are running through my head. The keyboard is the older version, spaced rather apart, so I'm hitting the wrong key or adding additions letters into my words.

My spelling is bad enough as it is. Now, I even have puncuntation mistakes. "/" instead of a correct "." Hoping next time I enter an internet cafe again, it would not be this kind of old ones. And where their computers are not in Chinese, catering to the chinese students here.

And they don't show blogspot's spellcheck function. -.-


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